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1. (3 балла) Look at the clock and answer the question: What time is it?

1)    It’s a quarter past seven.             
2)    It’s a quarter to eight.
3)    It’s a quarter to seven.            
4)    It’s a quarter past eight.

2. (3 балла) Choose the correct answer.

We ____ on holiday to Paris soon.

1)    are go
2)    went
3)    will go
4)    is going

3. (3 балла) Choose the correct answer.

Kate ______ to Egypt five times this year.

1)    was
2)    will being
3)    has been
4)    have been

4. (5 баллов) Choose the correct answer.

____ you ever_____  abroad?

1)    Has … been                    
2)    Have … been
3)    Have … being                
4)    Has … being

For items 5 – 7 choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.

5. (5 баллов) The band__________and the dancers made their way to the floor.

1)    played off
2)    struck out
3)    struck up
4)    beat out

6. (5 баллов) When the applause had_________the star of the show said a few words.

1)    stepped forward
2)    gone out
3)    played through
4)    died down

7. (5 баллов) I had to keep________new things for the children to do during their holiday. They got bored so easily!

1)    dreaming up
2)    running down
3)    acting up
4)    passing through

For items 8 – 10 complete the sentences with right idiom.

8. (7 баллов) Look, in my company you can’t choose a day off until I choose mine. There’s a strict _________ .

1)    barking up the wrong tree
2)    ruffle feathers
3)    pecking order
4)    teaching an old dog new tricks
5)    kill the goose that lays the golden eggs                             

9. (7 баллов) The work may be interesting, but nobody does it for the money. The pay is ____________ .

1)    chicken-feed
2)    dinosaurs                                                                       
3)    the cat that got the cream
4)    top dog
5)    loan shark

10. (7 баллов) Ever since the first day at school those two have been inseparable; ____________ .

1)    empty nest
2)    fly on the wall                                                               
3)    dinosaurs
4)    big fish in a small pond
5)    wild horses couldn’t tear apart

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